Northern Europe

Displaying 251 - 260 of 1561

List of Organisations

BBC News,

"The Irish government is to apologise after an investigation found an 'appalling level of infant mortality' in the country's mother-and-baby homes," according to this article from BBC News.

Rosemary Furey and Jean Harris‐Evans - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper draws on a qualitative methodology that utilized theories of resilience, to glean a range of perspectives from both care leavers and their employers.

Karmen Toros, Keidy Tart & Asgeir Falch-Eriksen - Early Childhood Education Journal,

This paper examines the role of interprofessional collaboration in the identification and reporting of a child in need.

The Scottish Government,

This briefing is the fifth in a series of evidence summaries on the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of children and families in Scotland, drawing on wider UK and international research where appropriate.

Kresta Munkholt Sørensen & Nina Madsen Sjoe - Child & Family Social Work,

This study examines service users' and practitioners' assessment of the feasibility of systematically evaluated interventions in the everyday life of foster care families.

Tonje Gundersen - Children & Society,

This paper explores how young people who have been in out‐of‐home care develop a positive agentic capacity.

Lars Brännström and Sten‐Åke Stenberg - Child Abuse Review,

Through the lens of primary (ability‐driven explanations) and secondary (choice‐based explanations, conditional on educational performance) effects on social background differentials in educational attainment, longitudinal data from more than 14 000 Swedes (of which around 9% have been placed in out‐of‐home care (OHC)) were used to estimate the relative importance of these two basic explanatory processes.

Who Cares Scotland,

This brief resource from Who Cares? Scotland explores barriers to graduation for care-experienced young people, including moving placement, lack of space or equipment to study, challenges with mental health, finances, and housing, to name a few.

Louise Roberts - Bristol University Press,

Based on groundbreaking original research, this book provides a comprehensive account of the issues surrounding pregnancy and parenthood for young people in and leaving care.


Through a diverse range of examples of how people are meeting the challenge of responding to the effects of this public health emergency, CELCIS hopes to record, reflect on, inform, and inspire others about the impact that these are having in the lives of care experienced children and young people, and all those who work and volunteer across public and voluntary services to support them.