Northern Europe

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List of Organisations

Jo Staines & Julie Selwyn - Child & Family Social Work,

Drawing on a large‐scale online survey of looked after children's subjective well‐being, this paper demonstrates that a significant number of children and young people (age 4–18 years) did not fully understand the reasons for their entry to care.

Monica Dalen, Steinar Theie, Anne-Lise Rygvold - Children and Youth Services Review,

The study examined school adjustment among 119 internationally adopted children in Norway.

Nuria Mackes - The Conversation,

In this article for the Conversation, Nuria Mackes discusses her team's latest research on the impacts of early childhood deprivation on adult brain size and behavior.

Care Inspectorate,

This report draws attention to themes emerging from notifications of the deaths of 61 care experienced children and young people over seven years from 2012 to 2018.

Maria Lotty - Relational Child and Youth Care Practice,

This paper examines the implications of trauma-informed care research recently carried out in Ireland.

Saarna Liis,

This article describes the system of training and support of foster carers and adoptive parents in Estonia.

John Murphy - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

Resulting from the outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown, EPIC (Empowering People in Care) decided to contact all young people’s residential centres in Ireland. This article present the results of that survey.

Elaine Hamilton & Niamh Miller - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

In this article, the young people and team at the Nether Johnstone House in Scotland share some of their reflections and learnings of lockdown.

The Fostering Network,

The Fostering Network's State of the Nation’s Foster Care survey is the largest survey of foster carers in the UK. This impact report lists the positive changes that have happened in the world of fostering since the publication of the State of the Nation 2019 report to the end of 2020.

Kenny McGhee (CELCIS), Julia Donnelly (Clan Childlaw), Alison Jamieson (Care Inspectorate),

This Practice Note clarifies the legislative requirements in Scotland when undertaking a Welfare Assessment to support planning for a looked after young person to ‘stay put’ in a care placement under Continuing Care arrangements.