
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

ITV News,

A joint report by charities Barnardo’s, the Children’s Society, Action for Children, the NSPCC and the National Children’s Bureau,  warns that the COVID-19 pandemic will exacerbate existing problems in underfunded local authorities and calls on the UK Government to invest money in children’s services to stop families reaching crisis point after coronavirus, says this article from ITV News.

Marie Louise McConville - The Irish News,

The Derry-based charity, Kinship Care, "said many of its kinship carers - where a grandparent, other relative or close friend is given guardianship of a child under sometimes quite traumatic circumstances - had been left without food and other essential aid as a result of the pandemic," according to this article from the Irish News.

UK Department for Education,

This guidance from the UK Department for Education outlines actions to be taken by educational providers - working together with other partners, where relevant, such as local authorities - to meet the needs of vulnerable children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stella P. Papamichail - Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience & Mental Health,

This article argues that Greece's use of closed-type institutions for child protection is violation of children’s rights and a practice of secondary victimization, stigmatization and exclusion of children living in these institutions.

Terre des hommes Albania,

This assessment sheds light on the new realities created by the COVID-19 virus and highlights how the situation of pandemic and quarantine is affecting vulnerable children, young people, and parents, including the feelings, experiences, or problems created.

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child is seeking a highly-experienced consultant for a 3-year project on interagency collaboration for better integration and reintegration of children on the move between Middle East and Europe.

Family for Every Child,

In this online event, Family for Every Child members FSCE (Ethiopia), The Mulberry Bush (UK), Praajak (India) and CSID (Bangladesh) discussed children's care in the context of COVID-19.

Rachel Wearmouth - Huffington Post UK,

"The [UK] government could face legal action after ministers used the coronavirus crisis to remove protections for children in care," says this article from the Huffington Post.

UNICEF Europe and Central Asia,

UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) designed a brief online survey to take stock of what national authorities are doing to adjust national child protection systems and services in the wake of COVID 19. This report aims to synthesizes the responses across the region; support national and international child protection agencies, organizations and authorities to identify promising practices, challenges, risks and opportunities; and promote exchange of experience and practices across the region and globally.

Sara Pérez-Hernando and Nuria Fuentes-Peláez - Social Sciences,

There has recently been increased interest in the potential for formal and informal networks to aid interventions with biological families in helping them achieve reunification in the context of the child protection system. This article analyzes the conceptualization of social support in order to create social support networks.