
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations


Advancements in Child Protection Administrative Data and Solutions for Tackling Child Exploitation and Abuse

European Social Network (ESN),

Este Resumen ejecutivo del informe “Fomento de la resiliencia en los servicios sociales mediante la gestión de la demanda” se publica como resultado de la reunión anual de 2023 del Grupo de trabajo sobre “Resiliencia y transformación de los servic

European Social Network (ESN),

Niniejsze streszczenie sprawozdania pt. “Budowanie odporności w usługach społecznych poprzez zarządzanie popytem” publikowane jest jako wynik dorocznego spotkania grupy roboczej ds.

European Social Network (ESN),

La presente sintesi del briefing “Costruire la resilienza dei servizi sociali attraverso la gestione della domanda” viene pubblicata a conclusione della riunione annuale 2023 del Gruppo di lavoro “Trasformazione e resilienza dei servizi sociali” d

European Social Network (ESN),

Ce résumé du briefing “Renforcer la résilience des services sociaux en gérant la demande” est publié en tant que synthèse de la réunion annuelle 2023 du groupe de travail « Transformation et résilience des services sociaux » du Réseau Social Europ

European Social Network (ESN),

This is the Executive Summary of the briefing ‘Building resilience in social services by managing demand’ published as an output of the 2023 annual meeting of the European Social Network ‘Social Services Transformation and Resilience’ Working Grou

European Social Network (ESN),

The demand for social care, support, and protection is rapidly increasing across Europe, driven by a variety of factors, such as demographic changes and increasing inequalities. This briefing from the European Social Network (ESN) examines this critical issue and identifies solutions to manage demand for social services, to plan and allocate their resources, both human and financial, to deliver high-quality outcomes that are tailored to the actual needs of persons seeking support.

M.A. Suhel, Vinay Kumar,

The article explores the notion of deinstitutionalization, emphasising its importance in post-conflict areas and emphasising the value of a personalised social work approach in promoting the welfare of children and young people impacted by the Russia-Ukraine war conflict.

Wendell Steavenson - The Economist,

Families search in vain through a maze of foster homes and holiday camps

Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Reintegration of Temporary Occupied Territories of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine,

9 серпня 2023 року Міністерство соціальної політики України, Міністерство реінтеграції України та Міністерство внутрішніх справ України підписали спільний наказ №274-Н/215/651, яким затвердили Типовий план повернення українських дітей, евакуйовани