
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 171 - 180 of 3317

List of Organisations

European Commission,

This report is the Commission’s first annual enlargement report on Ukraine replacing the previous annual Association Implementation Reports. To complement its opinion on the membership application, the Commission published the analytical report on the acquis alignment of Ukraine in February 2023.

Jorinde L. Broekhoven, Lieke van Domburgh, Floor van Santvoort, Jessica J. Asscher, Inge Simons, Annemarieke M. M. M. Blankestein, Gonnie Albrecht, Rachel E. A. van der Rijken, Arne Popma,

To promote the return of juveniles to a home-like environment (e.g. living with (foster)parents) after secure residential treatment (SRT), it is important to know which factors are related to this outcome. The current study, based in the Netherlands, examined which characteristics of the juvenile, family, and SRT, including family centeredness and use of systemic interventions, are related to the living situation after discharge.

Alex McTier, Mihaela Manole, Jane Scott, Emma Young, Nadine Fowler, Leanne McIver, Carol Ann Anderson, Robert Porter, Heather Ottaway - CELCIS,

This report explores, through responses to an online survey, interviews and focus groups, the opportunities, challenges, barriers and facilitators that members of the workforce identify as factors which bring about high quality experiences and outcomes for children, young people and families using services; close multi-agency working between practitioners across different services; continuity of support when young people transition to adult services; high quality support for the workforce and transformational change in services.

United Nations Human Rights Council,

Statement by the Members of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine to the United Nations Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting, New York

Scottish Government,

Young people transitioning from the care system into adulthood are to receive a one-off Care Leaver Payment of £2,000 to support them to move into more independent living under proposals being considered.


Advancements in Child Protection Administrative Data and Solutions for Tackling Child Exploitation and Abuse

European Social Network (ESN),

Este Resumen ejecutivo del informe “Fomento de la resiliencia en los servicios sociales mediante la gestión de la demanda” se publica como resultado de la reunión anual de 2023 del Grupo de trabajo sobre “Resiliencia y transformación de los servic

European Social Network (ESN),

Niniejsze streszczenie sprawozdania pt. “Budowanie odporności w usługach społecznych poprzez zarządzanie popytem” publikowane jest jako wynik dorocznego spotkania grupy roboczej ds.

European Social Network (ESN),

La presente sintesi del briefing “Costruire la resilienza dei servizi sociali attraverso la gestione della domanda” viene pubblicata a conclusione della riunione annuale 2023 del Gruppo di lavoro “Trasformazione e resilienza dei servizi sociali” d