
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 1971 - 1980 of 3284

List of Organisations

Paulo Delgado, Vânia S. Pinto, João M.S. Carvalho, Robbie Gilligan - Child & Family Social Work,

This is a pilot study on the sensitive issue of how children and young people experience family contact in foster care, and the views of key adults in their lives on the same issue.

Milfrid Tonheim & Anette Christine Iversen - Child & Family Social Work,

The purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons for unintended placement disruptions in foster care.

Marisa Gerstein Pineau, Nat Kendall-Taylor, Emilie L’Hote, Daniel Busso - FrameWorks Institute,

This report charts public understandings of childhood, parenting and the care system, and examines how these ways of thinking complicate, and occasionally facilitate, communicating about care issues.

The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian highlights findings from recent research which indicates the "children in care are six times more likely to be cautioned or convicted of a crime than other young people."

María J Fuentes, Isabel M Bernedo, María D Salas, Miguel A García-Martín - International Social Work,

This study analyzes the opinions of foster families and social workers regarding the benefits and problems associated with contact visits.

Daniel Lavelle - The Guardian,

"Fifteen years after leaving the care system, almost everyone I knew then was reluctant to talk. Why had so many of them struggled or fallen off the map?" writes Daniel Lavelle in the Guardian.

María J Fuentes, Isabel M Bernedo, María D Salas, Miguel A García-Martín - International Social Work,

This study analyzes the opinions of foster families and social workers regarding the benefits and problems associated with contact visits.

Lisbet Engh, Dr Carolina Jernbro, Dr Ping-I Lin, Professor Carl-Gustaf Bornehag, Dr Ulla-Britt Eriksson - British Journal of School Nursing,

The aim of this research is to examine the relation between school attachment and school achievement and foster care placement.

Tatiana Eremenko & Amparo González‐Ferrer - Population, Space and Place,

In this paper, the authors examine the reunification patterns of children left‐behind by parents who migrated to France and Spain in order to understand whether children from standard two‐parent families differ in their chances of joining their migrant parents in the destination country compared to children in non‐standard families (single parent and blended families), as well as the potential role of immigration policies on these chances.

Johanna Thulin, Cecilia Kjellgren, Doris Nilsson - Child & Family Social Work,

This study includes 20 physically abused children aged 9–17 who completed Combined Parent–Child Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.