
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Silvie Bovarnick and Sara Scott,

This briefing is based on a rapid assessment of the available evidence relevant to CSE prevention education. It brings together key messages from research and evaluation about what works to prevent sexual exploitation and promote healthy relationships.

Lucy Hurst-Brown - BBC Radio 4, Four Thought,

This talk by Lucy Hurst-Brown from BBC Radio 4's, Four Thought series discusses the institutionalization, segregation, and isolation of people with disabilities, including young people, and its effects.

BASPCAN - The Association of England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales for Child Protection,

The aim of this event is to draw on lived-experience to inform the development of sensitive and inclusive safeguarding practices that respond appropriately to the diverse needs of children who live with parents who have mental health problems.

Justin Rogers - Youth Divide and Youth Inclusion,

This paper presents findings from a doctoral project that explored the experiences of young people growing up in foster care in the United Kingdom.

Morgan Meaker - BBC News,

This article from the BBC shares the stories of children in Greece who have been removed from their families and are being held at hospitals for months at a time.

Richard Alcock - The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian shares the story of Ilona, a young woman who immigrated to the UK from Hungary. and placed her baby for adoption in the UK. The article explains how cases like these have grown in recent years and how they will be affected by the UK's departure from the EU.

Women’s Link Worldwide ,

This report by Women’s Link Worldwide tells the stories of twelve women who fled the bombings and violence in Syria only to end up trapped in Piraeus, Greece, deprived of their most basic rights.

Sophia Fischer, Claudia Dolitzsch, Klaus Schmeck, Jorg M. Fegert and Marc Schmid - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study aimed to assess the relationship between interpersonal traumatic experiences and specific psychopathological symptoms in a high-risk population of girls and boys living in youth welfare institutions in residential care. 

Sophia Fischer, Claudia Dölitzsch, Klaus Schmeck, Jörg M. Fegert, Marc Schmid - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study aimed to assess the relationship between interpersonal traumatic experiences and specific psychopathological symptoms in a high-risk population of girls and boys living in youth welfare institutions in residential care in Switzerland.

Hilma Forsman, Lars Brännström, Bo Vinnerljung, Anders Hjern - Child Abuse & Neglect,

Aiming to support the design of effective intervention strategies, this study examines the hypothesized causal effect of foster children's poor school performance on subsequent psychosocial problems, here conceptualized as economic hardship, illicit drug use, and mental health problems, in young adulthood.