
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Save the Children Italia Onlus ,

Based on experience from work on the ground, this report from Save the Children identifies a number of key issues that urgently need to be addressed by the EU and its Member States to ensure better management of mixed migration flows for children and their families, including separated and unaccompanied children.

Miguel Melendro Estefanía - El Centro Reina Sofía sobre Adolescencia y Juventud y la FAD,

La presente investigación trata de los jóvenes sin tiempo y cómo trabajar, con ellos y ellas, en un tránsito inclusivo a la vida adulta, especialmente jóvenes que han pasado una parte importante de sus vidas en recursos residenciales del sistema de protección y que cuando son mayores de edad deben dejarlos para salir a la vida adulta, en un tránsito cargado de complejidades.

MacDonald, M., Hayes, D., & Houston, S. - Families, Relationships and Societies,

This article presents a comprehensive, narrative review of international, research literature on informal, kinship care.

Opening Doors for Europe's Children,

This fact sheet provides an overview of the numbers of children in institutional care in Greece.


This volume of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care includes a collections of articles, reflections and reviews covering a wide range of subjects from taking a fresh look at leaving care interactions, to exploring the role of storytelling in social care practice.

Sinead Braiden - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

This paper explores the current literature around foster care training in the UK in relation to a short training programme devised for foster carers from a small Scottish charity supporting looked after children in Scotland.

Jonathan Stanley - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care ,

This article provides a summary of the current context for residential child care in England. It records continually increasing outcomes as evidenced in a new set of Quality Standards by a new inspection framework.

Gayle Rice - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care ,

Due to the high instances of young people in care becoming homeless after leaving care, this study explored how an intervention could be co-designed to support young people and leaving care workers (LCWs) to share and elicit views about where a young person could live when they leave care.

Mariela Todorova-Koleva - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

The article aims to show the process of deinstitutionalisation in Bulgaria. 

Kravchuk Natalya - Journal of Social Policy,

This paper examines the notion of “unaccompanied and separated children”  of Russia.