
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Lucia Irenescu - HeinOnline,

This article discusses adoption in the international human rights framework.  Most specifically, it focuses on the rights of the child and how to proceed with adoptions by keeping in mind the best interest of the child.  

Editor: Olga Cvejić Jančić,

Meant to highlight the maxim that every child deserves the best that we all have to give; this book provides a review of the progress made since The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  It contains reports from 21 countries on the status of the rights of the child.  The countries are:  Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Japan, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Solomon Islands, Spain, the Netherlands, the UK, the USA, Uzbekistan and Venezuela. There are no reports from Africa.

Save the Children,

This booklet is based on a recent internal desk review of Save the Children’s and partners’ work against physical and humiliating punishment of children, commissioned by Save the Children Sweden. It aims to present best practices, to show what methods have worked around the world, and to spread knowledge about results achieved and lessons learned when it comes to law reform and positive discipline.  

Prison Reform Trust,

This review was established to examine the reasons for, and how best to tackle, the over representation of children in care, or with experience of care, in the criminal justice system in England and Wales.

Jerome Finnegan - Save the Children,

This report from Save the Children outlines the rapid development that takes place in the brain in the early years of life and the crucial role that caregivers play in supporting this development. 

Agnieszka Roguska,

This article presents an overview of the Polish system of foster welfare, its regulations by law and directions for further transformation. 

Rapport final de FORS- Recherche Sociale et Régis Sécher (ARIFTS),

La question spécifique de l’entourage familial des enfants placés dans le cadre de la protection de l’enfance apparaît tout particulièrement complexe et intéressante. Les questions relatives aux trajectoires individuelles des membres de l’entourage familial des enfants placés dans le cadre de la protection de l’enfance sont rarement pas analysées et méritent une attention particulière. 

UNICEF France,

25 experts ont accepté de partager le fruit de leur réflexion afin de questionner l’effectivité des droits des enfants en France, en 2015. La seule réflexion qui doit guider pouvoirs publics comme société civile est finalement bien celle qui conduit à mesurer les écarts entre les droits formels et les droits réels des enfants


This report describes the situation and experience of families during the economic crisis and examines how family-focused policies have changed since 2010 in the European Union.

Vlad Odobescu,

A group of activists who were formerly raised in Romania's communist-era orphanages have created an association called Federeii. The group is pushing Romanian authorities to recognize and apologize for a variety of abuses committed against an estimated 500,000 children in the country's orphanages that existed before the end of the Cold War. The abuse and neglect, including physical and sexual abuse, are discussed in the article.