
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Human Rights Council Side Event,

Este evento paralelo del Consejo de Derechos Humanos incluyó presentaciones en separación familiar en los contextos africanos, asiáticos, europeos, y latinoamericanos.

Human Rights Council Side event,

This Human Rights Council Side event included presentations on family separation in the African, Asian, European, and Latin American contexts. 

Human Rights Council Side event,

This Human Rights Council Side event included presentations on family separation in the African, Asian, European, and Latin American contexts. 

World Health Organization,

The 7th Milestones of a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Meeting - hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) at its Executive Boardroom in Geneva, Switzerland - will focus on child maltreatment and youth violence, among other topics. 

War Child UK,

War Child UK in collaboration with Educo, Plan International, Save the Children UK and World Vision International are hosting a launch event for their recently published report, ‘Interagency Study on Child-Friendly Feedback and Complaint Mechanisms within NGO programmes.’

Ingrid Sindi - Child Care in Practice ,

This article is an attempt to analyse and describe the process of change in child substitute care that has taken place since the re-independence of Estonia in 1991.

Henley Business School, University of Reading, Reading, UK,

This interdisciplinary symposium aims to explore family relations, care and ‘troubles’ in diverse contexts


Les femmes et les enfants cherchant refuge en Europe et transitant par les ex-républiques yougoslaves de Macédoine et Serbie, sont toujours plus nombreux. Le nombre de femmes et d’enfants arrivant dans les centres d’accueil dans les deux pays est probablement deux fois plus élevé que les chiffres officiels, de nombreuses familles n'étant pas officiellement enregistrées.


Institutions are invited to submit a proposal by 10:00 AM EST, 04 September 2015.

Martin Kettle - Children & Family Social Work,

This paper reviews the case of Daniel Pelka, a child in Scotland who was murdered at the hands of his mother and her partner.