
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Judith Burns - BBC News ,

The UK has recently introduced new rules requiring councils to provide support to children who stay in foster families beyond the age of 18.


UNICEF is calling for the submission of proposals to conduct an assessment of alternative forms of care and family support services for children with disabilities in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Petras Vaida - The Baltic Course,

The capital city of Lithuania, Vilnius, is making concerted efforts to close down all orphanages by the year 2020, according to the article.

Alexandru Toth, Asociația Sociometrics – Grupul de Analiză Socială și Economică,

This report provides data and background on challenges of placing siblings together in foster families.

Kate Morris, Sue White, Paula Doherty, and Lisa Warwick - Children & Family Social Work,

This paper draws on a British Academy (BA) funded study exploring social workers’ conceptions of family using a vignette and focus groups. 

Club for Healthy Changes, Lumos, Centre for Social Preventive Activities GRiG & Child Rights Centre,

This book is designed to help children and young people understand what abuse and neglect are, and who to ask for help if it happens to them or to someone they know. The book is written in the Serbian context and is available in English and Serbian.

Club for Healthy Changes, Lumos, Centre for Social Preventive Activities GRiG & Child Rights Centre,

This book is designed to help children and young people understand what abuse and neglect are, and who to ask for help if it happens to them or to someone they know. The book is written in the Serbian context and is available in English and Serbian.

Kristen E. Cheney - Open Democracy,

This article describes the so-called “orphan industrial complex” and the ways in which it harms children, families, and communities in the Global South.


The purpose of this Request for Proposal for Services (RFPS) is to select and contract a service provider (SP) to research and design a compelling, evidence-based communication and advocacy strategy to mobilize greater and more sustained commitment from major decision-makers on the value of investing in community-based services in order to accelerate childcare system reforms across Europe and Central Asia.


Shihning Chou, Kevin D. Browne - Child Abuse Review,

This study investigates the correlation over time between international adoption and institutional care.