
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

UNICEF and Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ,

Event to launch two new reports on importance of deinstitutionalization for all persons


The core aim of this programme is to contribute to the development of a platform that will support better understanding of the routes from intervention to outcomes for vulnerable children in Scotland through utilising administrative datasets and longitudinal research.

Government of Republic of Moldova,

Republic of Moldova, Parliament, Law No. 123 on Social Services entered into force 3 March 2011.


This report analyzes how a small sample of 12 children’s homes in England achieved and sustained outstanding status over a period of three years. The report describes and interprets what inspectors found to be the reasons for success in these outstanding homes and how the providers themselves explained the factors that contribute to outstanding care. The experience of the children and young people who live in these homes is also a key element of the report as it is, of course, the real hallmark of quality.


Particularly relevant to alternative care issues is the highlighted section on the Bulgarian experience of integrating advocacy, fundraising and communication in order to influence the deinstitutionalization of children without parental care in Bulgaria.

Republic of Moldova,

În scopul realizării prevederilor Convenţiei Internaţionale cu privire la drepturile copilului, la care Republica Moldova a aderat prin Hotărîrea Parlamentului nr.408-XII din 12 decembrie 1990, Convenţiei Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite privind drep

Seth D. Pollak, Charles A. Nelson, Mary F. Schlaak, Barbara J. Roeber, Sandi S. Wewerka, Kristen L. Wiik, Kristin A. Frenn, Michelle M. Loman, and Megan R. Gunnar - Child Development,


Adrian V. Rus, Sheri Parris, David Cross, Karyn Purvis, Simona Draghici - Revista de cercetare si interventie social,

This article reviews the series of major changes undergone by the Romanian child welfare system from 1990 to 2010, including the laws and governmental reform measures enacted, the shift in child population among various Romanian institutions and foster care homes, types of institutions available to children, level of care, shift in reasons for child abandonment, changes in ways children are routed through the system, and how these changes have effect children’s development, health, and psychological well-being.

Dainius Puras - The Regional Office for Europe of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (ROE OHCHR),

This document was commissioned by the Regional Office for Europe of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (ROE OHCHR). One of its aims was to stimulate discussion at the Sub-Regional Workshop on the Rights of Vulnerable Children Aged 0 to 3 Years in Prague on 22 November 2011.

Republique francaise, le Defenseur des Droits,

Selon la Loi organique du 29 mars 2011 instituant le Défenseur des droits, celui-ci est notamment chargé « de défendre et de promouvoir l'intérêt supérieur et les droits de l'enfant consacrés par la loi ou par un engagement international régulièrement ratifié ou approuvé par la France ». A l'occasion de la journée internationale des droits de l'enfant, le 20 novembre, le Défenseur présente son premier rapport consacré cette année, aux enfants accueillis en institution, plus particulièrement les moyens de défendre et de promouvoir leurs droits.