
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Thomas Hammarberg, Commissaire aux droits de l’homme du Conseil de l’Europe,

La promotion et le renforcement de la protection des enfants et de leurs droits sont au cœur des préoccupations du Commissaire europeen Thomas Hammarberg. En 2009, ce dernier a accordé une attention particulière à plusieurs catégories d’enfants vulnérables. 

Lynn Losert - Creative Associates International, Inc.; Aguirre Division of JBS International, Inc.; USAID ,

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of best practices in inclusive education, inform stakeholders of the current status of inclusive education in the region, describe the contextual factors which affect program implementation, and make recommendations of practical start-up steps for inclusive education programs.

Amici de Bambini,

In response to the increased social exclusion affecting youth leaving care, Amici de Bambini developed Matrix of Guidelines for Life after Institutional Care, which can be used to increase the likelihood of social inclusion for young people who have been released from the child protection system.

M. Norberg, A. Sahlback; Contributions from L. Fox and R. Gotestam for UNICEF,

This folder contains guidance and planning and assessment tools to implement reform of national social care financing from institutionalized care to a family and community-based framework.

Conseil de l'Europe-Comité des Ministres aux Etats membres,

La Recommandation CM/Rec(2010)2 du Conseil de l'Europe relative à la désinstitutionalisation des enfants handicapés et leur vie au sein de la collectivité appelle les Etats membres à prendre toutes les mesures législatives, administratives et autres afin de remplacer la prise en charge institutionnelle par des services de proximité dans un délai raisonnable et dans le cadre d’une démarche globale. 

European Commission Daphne Programme, WHO Regional Office, University of Birmingham,

Comprehensive manual on the theory and process of deinstitutionalization based on the experiences of childcare professionals across the European region.

Republic of Moldova,

This document presents the law on social services of Moldova.

Republic of Moldova,

This document presents the adoption law of Moldova.

Adrian V. Rus, Wesley C. Lee, Dafnne B. Bautista Salas, Sheri R. Parris, Rebecca D. Webster, Austin R. Lobo, Stativa Ecaterina, Cosmin Popa - Research, Education and Development: Symposium Proceedings,

This article explores the experience of institutionalization of Romanian children and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System Theory.

Child Welfare Outcomes - Elizabeth Fernandez and Richard P. Barth,

This book features individual empirical studies on the outcomes and progress made for children in foster care around the world.