
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Maartje P. C. M. Luijk, and Femmie Juffer - Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Volume 54, Number 3,

In this meta-analysis of 75 studies on more than 3,888 children in 19 different countries, the intellectual development of children living in children's homes (orphanages) was compared with that of children living with their (foster) families.

University of Pittsburgh, Office of Child Development,

The purpose of this report is to create a strategy for assessing the status and progress of child welfare reform in CEE/CIS countries using the best available quantitative and qualitative information.


Outlines the contributions of UNICEF to national and international efforts to fulfil children’s right to protection

Andy Bilson and Richard Carter ,

This report written for UNICEF identifies the key elements for a strategy to take forward the Government of Ukraine’s programme for the reform of child welfare.

Robbie Gilligan,

This paper seeks to highlight the resilience‐enhancing potential for vulnerable young people of roles and relationships in the domains of recreation and work. The paper explores its theme through a specific focus on the needs of young people in long‐term care. 

UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre,

A great change is coming over childhood in the world’s richest countries. Today’s rising generation is the first in which a majority is spending a large part of early childhood in some form of out-of-home child care. This Report Card discusses the opportunities and risks involved in the child care transition, and proposes internationally applicable benchmarks for early childhood care and education.

Shihning Chou and Kevin Browne,

Explores causal relationship between increased international adoption and increase in institutional care of children in Europe.

Miriam Temin,

Examines the institutional challenges in implementing national social protection programmes


Update on all recent seminars and activities relevant to child welfare reform and deinstitutionalization in Russia

Euillet, S et Zaouche-Gaudro, C,

Cet article vise à analyser le point de vue des parents dont un enfant est accueilli en famille d’accueil au titre de l’ASE, sur des questions relatives à leur identité parentale et à leur relation avec les professionnels.