
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Ruth Levitas, Christina Pantazis, Eldi Fahmy, David Gordon, Eva Lloyd and Demi Patsios,

This project reviews existing sources on multi-dimensional disadvantage or severe forms of social exclusion characterised as ‘deep exclusion’ for the purpose of recommending possibilities for secondary analysis of existing data sets to explore the

Mansell J, Knapp M, Beadle-Brown J and Beecham, J ,

This project aimed to bring together the available information on the number of disabled people living in residential institutions in 28 European countries, and to identify successful strategies for replacing institutions with community-based services, paying particular attention to economic issues in the transition. It is the largest study of its kind. This project was funded in order to identify as a priority the practical considerations of how to support states making the transition to community-based services, including managing the costs of doing so. 

IFCO, SOS Kinderdorf International, FICE,

A set of standards on the process of a child or young person entering care, being cared for, and leaving care, based primarily on the views of children, families, and caregivers.

Lucy Milich,

This report aims to provide insight into children’s perceptions of participation within England’s residential care system, and to note any potential or perceived barriers to participation.

Kevin Browne, Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis, and Shannon Vector,

Addresses prevention of child maltreatment in the family through a public health approach. Identifies primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies and sets proirities for action.

Charles Nelson, Nathan Fox, Charles Zeanah, Dana Johnson,

A powerpoint presentation on the research findings of the Bucharest Early Intervention Project team. Includes comparisons of children raised in institutional care, vs. children placed in foster care, vs. children raised in the community.

Rita Harris, Sally Hodges - Creating New Families: Therapeutic Approaches to Fostering, Adoption and Kinship Care,

This chapter briefly outlines the range of assessments that are undertaken by psychologists in regards to placements for children in care, and underlines the importance of drawing together information about the child from different sources and perspectives.

Human Rights Watch,

This report by Human Rights Watch is based on field research conducted in Bacău, Bucharest, Constanţa, Giurgiu, and Ilfov counties in February 2006, and follow-up telephone and email contacts through June 2006.

Kevin Browne, Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis, Rebecca Johnson, Mikael Ostergren ,

This article discusses the use of institutional care for children in Europe and shows that it remains common place despite the evidence of harm for children, including attachment disorder and developmental delay.

Scottish Executive,

A set of standards for agencies that provide child care/day care services within the family home e.g. nannies, child minders, and babysitters.