Regions & Countries

Displaying 10321 - 10330 of 14428

Inter-agency group on children's reintegration - Emily Delap and Joanna Wedge,

These Guidelines build on several existing care policies, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

Bright Magazine,

Groups from across the East African country are working to build systems of "alternative care" for children living outside ther families. But do these efforts stand a chance next to the business of international adoption?

Jacob Lind - Sage Journals,

This article discusses how children's political agency manifests in everyday life. It shows how children who become aware of their legal status as 'deportable' reject this subject position and offer their own definitions of who they are and where they belong. 

Jacob Lind - Sage Publications,

This article discusses how children’s political agency manifests in everyday life. It shows how children who become aware of their legal status as ‘deportable’ reject this subject position and offer their own definitions of who they are and where they belong. Simultaneously, it is argued that children with varying degrees of knowledge about their legal status also express political agency through their struggle to sustain the inclusion they experience.

Kathryn Joyce - Medium,

Kathryn Joyce discusses the issues that one mother in Uganda faced when she put her child up for international adoption. 

Bamas Victoria,

The Bold Heart Campaign project of Weinspires Global Foundation held an awareness campaign at the Bwari central market in Nigeria.

Orrin G. Hatch, Ron Wyden, Kevin Brady and Sander M. Levin - The Washington Post,

This opinion piece from the Washington Post discusses how working to keep children with their families is a better option 

Next Generation Nepal,

In this talk, Emily Delap from Family for Every Child puts the use of orphanages in Nepal into a global context and explores the international evidence on the harm caused by allowing children to grow up away from families, and on the problems of orphanage voluntourism.

Next Generation Nepal Country Director Martin Punaks talks about orphanage trafficking in Nepal, why orphanage volunteers may inadvertently be part of the problem and how you can be part of the solution through ethical volunteering and other ways of "giving back."

Nicola Skinner - The Guardian,

This article discusses how children's immersion in social media and video games causes them to be bored with reality.  This leads them to be less cooperative, which leads to parents becoming more angry.