Regions & Countries

Displaying 9741 - 9750 of 14428

Alessio Fasulo - Save the Children Italy,

As part of the "Children Come First: Intervention at the border" project, Save the Children Italy elaborates and disseminates, on a quarterly basis, a dossier containing quantitative and qualitative information (profiles) relating to migrant minors entering Italy. This dossier contains information relating to the period January-March 2017.

Urban Institute,

In order to better serve youth trafficking victims, this study developed a Human Trafficking Screening Tool (HTST) and pretested it with 617 runaway and homeless youth and child welfare-involved youth. 

Joanna Rogers - Family for Every Child,

This report presents the findings from a study that aimed to explore the application in practice of the ‘necessity principle’ from the Guidelines on Alternative Care for Children (UN, 2009) by using three quantitative and three qualitative indicators that provide information about whether children and families have received support to the fullest extent possible before a child ends up outside of parental care arrangements in formal or informal care, or living alone. 

Lisa Moran, Caroline McGregor and Carmel Devaney - UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, NUI Galway,

This document includes the appendices for the Outcomes for Permanence and Stability for Children in Long-term Care study, which privides a complete picture of the study's research methods and quantitative data collected. 

Lisa Moran, Caroline McGregor and Carmel Devaney - The UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway,

The aim of this study was to explore how young people who have been in care, and their carers, conceptualise permanence and stability.

United Kingdom,

This Act was enacted by the government of the United Kingdom "to make provision about looked after children; to make other provision in relation to the welfare of children; and to make provision about the regulation of social workers." 

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, UNICEF, USAID,

This mapping significantly advances the current knowledge of the state of institutionalization of Cambodian children. 

Ise Bosch, Eva-Maria Hilgarth, Sarah Blakemore, Amani Njogu, Nguyen Van Hue, Karin Demuth – Dreilinden,

Dreilinden produced this working paper to improve practice in the area of *LGBTI children in care. This paper has texts in a variety of formats from around the world and contains three sections that cover research and tools, interviews, and practice examples.

The Hindu,

Under new project DCPU aims to place 100 children into foster care.

UK Department for Education,

This Statistical First Release (SFR) provides information about looked after children in England for the year ending 31 March 2017, including where they are placed, their legal status, the numbers starting and ceasing to be looked after, and the numbers who go missing or are away from their placement without authorisation.