Eastern Africa

Displaying 761 - 770 of 1525

List of Organisations

Ruth Wacuka - Kenya Society of Careleavers,

This document includes the keynote address given on the first day of the Africa Expert Consultation on Violence against Children (VAC) in All Care Settings by Ruth Wacuka, Kenya Society of Careleavers. 

Noah Sanganyi - Department of Children's Services, Kenya,

This document includes the opening remarks given at the Africa Expert Consultation on Violence against Children (VAC) in All Care Settings by Mr. Noah Sanganyi, the Director of Kenya's Department of Children's Services. 

Beatrice Ongalo – SOS Children’s Villages,

This presentation describes the issue of violence against children in alternative care settings in East and Southern Africa and offers recommendations on how to strengthen the care workforce to ensure it is equipped to prevent and respond to violence against children in alternative care.

Elsa Laurin - UNHCR,

This UNHCR presentation provides an overview of alternative care for children in East African refugee contexts.

James Kaboggoza - Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development Uganda,

This presentation provides an overview of the implementation of the INSPIRE child protection framework in Uganda. 

Geoffrey Oyat - Save the Children,

This presentation describes the findings from a 2015 Save the Children study on kinship care in Ethiopia, Kenya and Zanzibar. 

CPC Learning Network,

The CPC Learning Network’s Beth Rubenstein and Matt MacFarlane will host a webinar on Friday, June 9th, at 10am EDT to share findings and lessons learned from two pilots of the Measuring Separation in Emergencies (MSiE) project, an inter-agency initiative intended to strengthen emergency response programs for unaccompanied and separated children. They will also offer recommendations for next steps in the development of tools and methods in the field.

Moses Opobo - The New Times ,

The first week of June 2017 marked the conclusion of the three month 'Tubarerere Mu Muryango' (Let’s raise children in families) campaign in Rwanda. A joint effort led by Mashirika Performing Arts and Media Company, the campaign used theater, artwork and poetry to reach out to parents, caregivers and local authorities to promote support for Rwanda's recent efforts toward safe reintegration of children in orphanages/institutions into family based care in the country.

Republic of Kenya,

In 2011/12 a comprehensive Review was undertaken of Kenya’s Social Protection Sector. This Review follows up on progress made since the previous one.

Kelley Bunkers & Suzanne Andrews - 4Children/CRS,

This case study describes the coordinated care and case management system for highly vulnerable children and their caregivers implemented by the Yekokeb Berhan program in Ethiopia.