
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Asia. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 351 - 360 of 1830

List of Organisations

Qiushi Zhou, Shaolingyun Guo & Hui Jing Lu - Applied Research in Quality of Life,

This study examined rural children’s well-being, particularly their physical well-being, as functions of parental absence, family economic status, and neighborhood environment.

Shinwoo Choi, Soo-Jung Byoun, Eun Hee Kim - International Social Work,

This short essay presents unwed single mothers’ increased vulnerabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of childcare, financial crisis, and mental health.

Justin M Rogers, Victor Karunan - International Social Work,

This study examined deinstitutionalisation in Thailand. Qualitative interviews were conducted with a total of 27 child welfare practitioners and policy actors to explore their perceptions of Thai alternative care provision.

Save the Children & Plan International,

This thematic policy brief from Save the Children and Plan International aims to seek and secure commitment from regional and national leaders to urgently prioritize and invest consistently in the protection of girls, who are disproportionately exposed to multitude forms of violence and their devastating consequences.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

In this webinar, The Alliance for Child Protection and Humanitarian Action hosts a discussion on Version 2 of the Technical Note for the protection of children during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Down to Zero Alliance,

In this webinar, partners representing the Down to Zero Alliance, governments, and the travel & tourism sector in the region will take stock of the key challenges, including implications of the pandemic, versus progress made up to date in respect to child protection; to commit, through a joint statement calling for the travel and tourism recovery phase to keep child protection as a primary consideration.

Better Care Network and Consortium for Street Children,

In this webinar hosted by Better Care Network and the Consortium for Street Children, speakers from three NGOs presented on and discussed the care implications of COVID-19 and responses to the pandemic on street-affected children.

Stela Grigoras - UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO),

This White Paper summarizes evidence on the current use and impact of small-scale residential care (also: ‘SSRC’) and offers guidance on how to enable all children to grow up in a loving and stable family environment. It aims to promote better decisionmaking among policy-makers, local governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as child welfare and other, allied practitioners of the establishment.

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY),

This document (written in Khmer), the Cambodia Child Protection Monitoring Framework, contains 50 core indicators considered important in assessing the child protection system in Cambodia.

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY),

This document, the Cambodia Child Protection Monitoring Framework, contains 50 core indicators considered important in assessing the child protection system in Cambodia.