Eastern Europe

Displaying 471 - 480 of 1021

List of Organisations

Anna Tarasenko - Reforming Child Welfare in the Post-Soviet Space,

This chapter traces and explains responses to deinstitutionalisation reforms in the Russian regions. Three parallel policy shifts are taken into account: deinstitutionalisation (DI), public sector reform, and social provision reform.

Meri Kulmala, Zhanna Chernova, Anna Fomina - Reforming Child Welfare in the Post-Soviet Space,

This chapter analyses the educational choices and decisions of young people who have recently transitioned from alternative care to independent living in North-West Russia.

Larisa Shpakovskaya, Zhanna Chernova - Reforming Child Welfare in the Post-Soviet Space,

In this chapter of Reforming Child Welfare in the Post-Soviet Space, the authors analyse how children in foster care in Russia perceive their experiences in foster families through the use of biographies.

Meri Kulmala, Maija Jäppinen, Anna Tarasenko, Anna Pivovarova - Reforming Child Welfare in the Post-Soviet Space,

The authors of this chapter from Reforming Child Welfare in the Post-Soviet Space introduce the ongoing child welfare reforms in Russia and consider the international and national context, as well as the main drivers of these reforms and their current results.

Republic of Moldova,

În temeiul art. 4 alin. (6) și art. 6 din Legea nr. 315/2016 privind prestațiile sociale pentru copii (Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 2017, nr. 19-23, art. 56), cu modificările ulterioare, Guvernul HOTĂRĂŞTE:

1. Se aprobă:

Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs),

The Alternative Report (AR) on the implementation by Ukraine of the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the result of the joint work of public sector experts in the field of the protection of the rights of the child.

Н.А. Иванова - Актуальные проблемы государства и права,

Целью является исследование особенностей правового регулирования договорной опеки (попечительства) над несовершеннолетними детьми в современной России.

Monica Stănescu and Gabriela Tomescu - Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience,

The paper aims to make a systematic analysis of the literature that addresses the relationship between dance and multiple intelligences in order to identify the main theoretical aspects that underpin the design and implementation of educational interventions for institutionalised children to learn dance.

Męczkowska-Christiansen Astrid - Colloquium Wydziału Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych AMW,

The presented analyses aim at depicting social discourse concerning the process of care leaving.

Kulikowski Piotr - Colloquium Wydziału Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych AMW,

The aim of this paper is to indicate threats and possibilities as regards the functioning of the foster care system and the process of adult care leavers’ gaining independence.