Displaying 451 - 460 of 1021
The subject of investigation in this study is the principles of foster care, including the assumptions and solutions.
This article compares how the global policy of deinstitutionalisation (DI) of child welfare travelled, was translated and institutionalised in two post-Soviet countries – Russia and Kazakhstan.
This article from BBC News describes the impacts of coronavirus lockdowns on surrogacy arrangements, particularly the separation of parents and their babies, born to surrogate mothers in Ukraine, who are unable to unite due to travel restrictions.
UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) designed a brief online survey to take stock of what national authorities are doing to adjust national child protection systems and services in the wake of COVID 19. This report aims to synthesizes the responses across the region; support national and international child protection agencies, organizations and authorities to identify promising practices, challenges, risks and opportunities; and promote exchange of experience and practices across the region and globally.
"At least 23 people have been infected with coronavirus at an orphanage for children with developmental disabilities in Belarus," according to this article from BBC News.
Using 20-year follow-up data from a unique natural experiment – the large scale adoption of children exposed to extreme deprivation in Romanian institutions in the 1980s – the authors of this paper examined, for the first time, whether such deficits are still present in adulthood and whether they are associated with deprivation-related symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
UNICEF Romania is seeking a consultant to provide technical assistance for strategic communication within the child protection system in matters relating to the protection of the most vulnerable children amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
This report maps and assesses the forms of care provided to unaccompanied migrant, asylum-seeking and refugee children in six European Union Member States: Bulgaria, France, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands and Spain.
Through the two-year project ‘Leaving Care – An Integrated Approach to Capacity Building of Professionals and Young People’, SOS Children’s Villages, in collaboration with international project partners, aimed to train care professionals in how to apply a child rights-based approach in their work with young people leaving care and worked to strengthen support networks for young care leavers.
In this study, the authors examined (a) whether institutional rearing is associated with continued social communication (SC) deficits into adolescence; (b) whether early placement into foster care mitigates risk for SC problems; and (c) associations between SC and psychopathology from middle childhood (age 8) to adolescence (age 16).