Eastern Europe

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Mark Wade, Charles H. Zeanah, Nathan A. Fox, Florin Tibu, Laura E. Ciolan, Charles A. Nelson - Nature Communications,

The current study uses data from a longitudinal randomized controlled trial to examine whether severe early neglect among children reared in institutions increases vulnerability to the effects of later stressful life events on externalizing problems in adolescence, and whether social enrichment in the form of high-quality foster care buffers this risk.

France 24,

This article from France 24 shares the story of Visinel Balan, who grew up in an orphanage in Romania in 1987 as "one of the 'Decretei' or 'children of the decree': children abandoned by poorer families as a result of the natalist policies of the communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu" when he was two months old.

HBO Films,

The Finding the Way Home documentary highlights the painful realities of the eight million children living in orphanages and other institutions around the world, telling the stories of six children in Brazil, Bulgaria, Haiti, Nepal, India and Moldova who have found their way into the care of loving families after spending periods of their lives in an institution.

Liliya A. Aslamazova, Rifkat J. Muhamedrahimov, and Elena A. Vershinina - Behavioral Sciences,

This research was aimed at the features of children and characteristics of foster families who refuse to continue parenting foster children.

Al Jazeera,

For this article from Al Jazeera, People & Power investigated the abuse of people with disabilities at EU-funded care homes across Eastern Europe, including institutions for children with disabilities in Bulgaria. The article highlights findings from Disability Rights International's (DRI) recent report on the abuse of children in facilities in Bulgaria.

UNICEF Romania,

The purpose of the current consultancy is to review the situation of children with disabilities with special focus on the access and quality of services (especially recovery and rehabilitation services) for children with disabilities and their caregivers, living in their families or in placement in foster care or with other families. 

Marina A. Zhukova, Sergey A. Kornilov, Stella N. Tseitlin, Marina B. Eliseeva, Elena A. Vershinina, Rifkat J. Muhamedrahimov, Elena L. Grigorenko - British Journal of Developmental Psychology,

To investigate the early language development of children raised in institutional settings in the Russian Federation, the authors of this study compared a group of children in institutional care to their age‐matched peers raised in biological families, who have never been institutionalized using the Russian version of the CDI.

Our World - BBC News,

In this episode of Our World from BBC News, film maker Kate Blewett examines what's happened to the children she met in Mogilino, Bulgaria in 2007 and reveals the reality of life for children in some of the new Group Homes.

Peñarrubia María, Palacios Jesús, Román Maite - Children and Youth Services Review,

In this study, executive functions were examined in post-institutionalized children adopted into Spanish families from Russian institutions.

Eric Rosenthal, Dragana Ciric Milovanovic, Laurie Ahern - Disability Rights International,

The main finding of this report from Disability Rights International (DRI) is that Bulgaria has replaced a system of large, old orphanages with newer, smaller buildings that are still operating as institutions.