
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Carme Montserrat, Joan Llosada-Gistau, Nuria Fuentes-Peláez - Children and Youth Services Review,

The objectives of this study were: (a) to identify the rate of placement breakdown in Spain, understood as the unplanned termination of a foster placement; (b) to explore the variables associated with foster placement termination, and finally (c) to determine to what extent each variable can explain placement breakdown.

Mojgan Padyab, Malin Eriksson, Mehdi Ghazinour, Lena Lundgren - Children and Youth Services Review,

The research question examined in this study is whether unaccompanied minors (UAMs) in compulsory care receive more restrictive actions by compulsory care staff compared to their counterparts who are non-UAMs.

Laura Gypen, Delphine West, Frank Van Holen, Johan Vanderfaeillie - Children and Youth Services Review,

The aim of this study is to explore foster child characteristics and the acceptance of foster children, by birth children and to compare mothers’ perceptions to birth children’s own perceptions.

Johanna Hiitola - Social Inclusion,

This article investigates how forced migrants residing in Finland utilise different types of resources in their efforts to reunite with their families.

The Stream - Al Jazeera,

In this video clip, poet Lemn Sissay discusses his experiences in care and his battle to get hold of his care files, among other topics.

Mark Wade, Charles H. Zeanah, Nathan A. Fox, Florin Tibu, Laura E. Ciolan, Charles A. Nelson - Nature Communications,

The current study uses data from a longitudinal randomized controlled trial to examine whether severe early neglect among children reared in institutions increases vulnerability to the effects of later stressful life events on externalizing problems in adolescence, and whether social enrichment in the form of high-quality foster care buffers this risk.

France 24,

This article from France 24 shares the story of Visinel Balan, who grew up in an orphanage in Romania in 1987 as "one of the 'Decretei' or 'children of the decree': children abandoned by poorer families as a result of the natalist policies of the communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu" when he was two months old.

HBO Films,

The Finding the Way Home documentary highlights the painful realities of the eight million children living in orphanages and other institutions around the world, telling the stories of six children in Brazil, Bulgaria, Haiti, Nepal, India and Moldova who have found their way into the care of loving families after spending periods of their lives in an institution.

Amy S. He, Mojgan Padyab, Jennifer A. Sedivy, Lena Lundgren - ,

Using Swedish registry national data, this study explored the relationship between immigration-country of birth status, psychosocial risk factors, and child compulsory care for parents with risky substance use (RSU).

Amy S. He, Mojgan Padyab, Jennifer A. Sedivy, Lena Lundgren - Child Abuse & Neglect,

Using Swedish registry national data, this study explored the relationship between immigration-country of birth status, psychosocial risk factors, and child compulsory care for parents with risky substance use (RSU).