
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 1781 - 1790 of 3317

List of Organisations

BBC News,

This video from BBC News features Russian writer Tamara Cheremnova who was born with Cerebral Palsy and placed in an orphanage as a child.

Andy Bilson & Elizabeth Hunter Munro - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study provides an analysis of the ‘investigative turn’ in England by comparing two large cohorts of children, one whose fifth birthday was in 2011–12 and the other in 2016–17.

E. L. L. Strijbosch, I. B. Wissink, G. H. P. van der Helm, G. J. J. M. Stams - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study describes how two youth care organizations in the Netherlands implemented group climate monitoring instruments for children as part of the broader ‘You Matter!’ project, and aims to answer the question how these monitoring instruments can help to improve group climate when routinely embedded in daily care.

BBC Radio 5 Live,

In this video from the BBC, Lemn Sissay (writer and careleaver) tells BBC Radio 5 Live about the impact that growing up in care has had on his adult life.

Hugh Montgomery - iNews,

Lemn Sissay, a poet and playwright who grew up in care in the UK, hosts a documentary in which he "takes seven children who are in the charge of Coventry Council under his wing, firing them up to write about their experiences."

Lemn Sissay - Channel 4,

In this documentary episode from Channel 4 in the UK, Lemn Sissay meets seven young people who are in the care of their council and sets out to help them express their experiences through words and perform them to a packed theatre of decision-makers.

Keystone Human Services International ,

Keystone Human Services International seeks a Grants Manager for the upcoming USAID-funded “Copilaria Mea” project.

Keystone Human Services International ,

Keystone Human Services International seeks a Chief of Party (COP) for the upcoming USAID-funded “Copilaria Mea” project. The goal of “Copilaria Mea” is to increase the number of children living within appropriate, permanent, and protective family care and reduce the number of children growing up in institutional care and ensure the necessary legal and social conditions for raising and educating children in the family environment.

Keystone Human Services International,

Keystone Human Services International seeks a Deputy Chief of Party for the upcoming USAID-funded “Copilaria Mea” project. The goal of “Copilaria Mea” is to increase the number of children living within appropriate, permanent, and protective family care and reduce the number of children growing up in institutional care and ensure the necessary legal and social conditions for raising and educating children in the family environment.


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