
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 1781 - 1790 of 3284

List of Organisations

Gerry Byrne, Michelle Sleed, Nick Midgley, Pasco Fearon, Clare Mein, Anthony Bateman, Peter Fonagy - Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry,

This article introduces an innovative mentalization-based treatment (MBT) parenting intervention for families where children are at risk of maltreatment.

MEASURE Evaluation,

The alternative care for children newsletter provides updates following assessment workshops on care reform that were conducted in Armenia, Ghana, Moldova, and Uganda.

Alessio Fasulo - Save the Children Italy,

As part of the "Children Come First: Intervention at the border" project, Save the Children Italy elaborates and disseminates, on a quarterly basis, a dossier containing quantitative and qualitative information (profiles) relating to migrant minors entering Italy. This dossier contains information relating to the period July-October 2018.

Ana-Maria Bolborici - Editura Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov,

This paper presents and analyzes the situation of migrant children and unaccompanied minors in the EU.

UK Department for Education,

This guidance from the UK's Department for Education presents a framework to help social care and criminal justice agencies keep looked-after children out of the criminal justice system.

Brand, S.L., Morgan, F., Stabler, L., Weightman, A.L., Willis, S., Searchfeld, L., Meindl, M., Wood, S., Nurmatov, U., Kemp, A., Turley, R., Scourfeld, J., Forrester, D., Evans, R - What Works Centre for Children’s Social Care,

This study is a scoping review to explore what research evidence exists about what works in safely reducing the number of children and young people in care.

Claudia Bernard - The British Journal of Social Work,

Using the findings from a qualitative study, this paper explores social workers’ experiences of intervening in affluent families in the UK when there are child protection concerns.

Kārlis Lakševics, Artūrs Pokšāns and Kristians Zalāns - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

Using the data from a a nationwide evaluation of accessibility of employment and education in Latvia, the authors of this paper argue that due to the fragmented implementation of deinstitutionalisation (DI) and lack of a child centred approach throughout the education sector, despite educators firmly believing they are acting in the best interests of children, current practices of care contribute to the creation of ‘inclusive exclusion’

Krüger Viggo, Dag Øystein Nordanger, Brynjulf Stige - Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy,

Despite a growing interest in music therapy within child welfare practice, music therapy practices within these contexts are still under-researched in Norway. The present study takes a collaborative community music therapy practice as its point of departure.

Rachel Springford - Huffington Post,

In this blog post from the Huffington Post, Rachel Springford writes about her experience in care and the difficulties care leavers face in transitioning to adulthood and accessing opportunities such as studying at university.