
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Rachel Hall - The Guardian,

The UK government has announced a new care leaver covenant, designed to support care leavers in the transition to independent adulthood, according to this article from the Guardian.

Barbara Torres‐Gomez, Itziar Alonso‐Arbiol, Miriam Gallarin - Journal of Research on Adolescence,

This study examined adopted adolescents’ levels of attachment security to parents and aggressiveness as compared to those of community nonadopted adolescents and of clinical nonadopted adolescents.

Susan Sierau, Esther Schneider, Yuriy Nesterko, Heide Glaesmer - European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,

The present study analyzes differences between perceived social support from family, peers, and adult mentors in Unaccompanied refugee minors (URM), with subgroup analyses of peer and mentor support in URM with and without family contact.

Susanne Martikke, Holly Cumbers, Nigel Cox, Lucy Webb, Emma Gedzielewski, Mariam Duale - Children & Society,

This article re‐examines data from an evaluation of a volunteering project for care leavers in the UK.

Rachel Burr & Franziska Fay - Global Childhoods beyond the North-South Divide,

This chapter examines Global North and South similarities in children and young people’s reactions to school-led child protection programmes.

Terre des hommes,

The present research looks at the main migration patterns and trends of internal and outward migration from Ukraine trying to assess the push and pull factors for regular and irregular migration which affect children.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

David Foster - Roundtable,

This segment from Roundtable explores the issue of voluntourism and its potential to yield harmful impacts. The participants, including Georgette Mulheir the CEO of Lumos, discuss orphanage voluntourism among other forms of voluntourism.

MCGregor, Caroline, Devaney, Carmel and Moran, Lisa - Child care in practice,

This paper is based on findings from an Irish study of permanence and stability outcomes for children in long-term care which involved biographical narrative interviews with 27 children, young people, parents and foster carers.


The Eurochild Conference in Opatija will bring positive examples of how public decision-makers at local, national and European levels are respecting the right of children to participate in decisions affecting them.