
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations


In the attached document, Lumos reports that 8 million children worldwide are in institutions globally.  

Ingrid Hojer, Judy Sebba and Nikki Luke ,

This literature review by the Rees Centre for Research in Fostering and Education at the University of Oxford was undertaken to identify the ways in which carers’ children might be more effectively prepared and supported when their families are fostering.

Dr. Stela Grigorash,

The second of two important presentations by Dr. Stela Grigorash, the Director of Partnerships for EveryChild Moldova, on the important work and lessons learnt in reforming the care system in that country.

Dr. Stela Grigorash,

The first of two important presentations by Dr. Stela Grigorash, the Director of Partnerships for EveryChild Moldova, on the important work and lessons learnt in reforming the care system in that country.

NUI Galway, Lumos, European Foundation Centre, The Equal Rights Trust, AGE Platform Europe, European Disability Forum ,

This joint memo was issued by a group of European organizations to clearly state their belief that the draft language on community living in the proposed EU Structural Funds Regulations should be amended to enhance the effect and to better advance the rights of children, persons with disabilities, and older people.

Mike Stein, Australian Social Work, 2014, Vol. 67, No. 1, 24–38,

This study compares the data on young people transitioning from out of home care from 9 non-communist European countries examined in the INTRAC document with 14 post-communist countries reviewed in the SOS and INTRAC publications. 


This report provides a summary of work undertaken by Lumos - together with governmental authorities, international partners, local medical professionals and families - to ensure that all children born with hydrocephalus receive the life-saving treatment they need, and which is their fundamental human right. 


This Report from the international ministerial conference, held in Sofia, 21–22 November 2012, entitled 'Ending the placement of children under three in institutions: support nurturing families for all young children', brings together the presentations, political commitments and priority actions identified by the participants, including 20 governments from Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

European Network of Omubudspersons for Children (ENOC),

Le médiateur pour les enfants de 33 pays a envoyé une lettre à l'Union européenne invitant l'Union européenne et le Conseil de l'Europe d'agir pour protéger les enfants demandeurs d'asile en Europe, qui forme un groupe très vulnérable. Le Réseau européen des médiateurs pour enfants (ENOC) a mis en garde et rappele que par le passe les enfants qui voyagent à travers l'Europe ont ete victimes de violence, de trafic, de  traumatismes, et ont parfois trouve  la mort. ENOC a établi un groupe de travail pour surveiller la situation de ces enfants.

Sophie Brown for CNN,

While adoptions to the United States are in steep decline, more U.S. children are being adopted abroad in countries such as the Netherlands. Most of the U.S.