
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 2961 - 2970 of 3317

List of Organisations

Dr Helen Baños Smith,

This important report documents a 22-month longitudinal study of the reintegration of children in residential care in Moldova.

Jon Hamilton - NPR Morning Edition,

This article from NPR describes research conducted by Charles Nelson and others on the impacts of neglect on children's wellbeing and development.

Save the Children International ,

In this paper, Save the Children International reviews the implementation of the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of Children in the Western Balkan Countries of Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination of the second periodic report of the Holy See under Convention on the Rights of the Child at its sixty-fifth Session (13 Jan 2014 - 31 Jan 2014).

Dana E. Johnson, Svyatoslav V. Dovbnya, Tatiana U. Morozova, Melinda A. Richards and Julia G. Bogdanova,

Infant Mental Health Journal has published an important Special Issue on Global Research, Practice, and Policy Issues in the Care of Infants and Young Children at Risk. This article documents an initiative to establish a replicable professional model that would direct the child welfare system in the Nizhny Novgorod Region away from institutional care and toward services for young children and their families that reduce the risk of institutionalization. 

Republic of Moldova,

În scopul implementării prevederilor Convenţiei internaţionale cu privire la drepturile copilului, adoptate de Adunarea Generală a Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite la 22 noiembrie 1989, la care Republica Moldova a aderat prin Hotărîrea Parlamentului

Department for Education,

This guidance from the UK Department for Education sets out the steps local authorities and their partners should take to prevent children from going missing and to protect them when they do go missing.

Rhys Price-Robertson, Leah Bromfield and Alister Lamont - Australian Institute of Family Studies, Commonwealth of Australia,

This paper offers a broad overview of some of the main approaches to child protection used internationally. Using examples from Canada, Sweden, Belgium and the Gaza Strip, it offers policy-makers the chance to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches, as well as how these examples might be used to inspire improvements within the Australian context.

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance,

This document has been produced to provide guidance for advocacy organisations and advocates delivering independent advocacy to families at risk.