
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Åsa Söderqvist, Australian Social Work Vol 67, Issue 1,

The aim of this article is to examine unaccompanied minors’ experiences of leaving care in Sweden, and to explore the experience in relation to perceptions about ethnicity and culture within a transnational space.

Department for Education, UK ,

This document is a statistical first release issued by the Department for Education in England that provides national and local authority level information on the outcomes for children who have been looked after continuously for at least 12 months at 31 March 2013. Outcomes reported include educational attainment, special educational needs (SEN), health and wellbeing, offending, substance misuse and exclusions from school.

Better Care Network and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

Webinar co-hosted by Better Care Network and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance on Deinstitutionalizing the Alternative Care System for Children: The implications for the social service workforce with learning from Rwanda and Moldova.

Peter Evans,

The Government of the Republic of Moldova launched its childcare reforms in 2006 aiming to establish a network of community social assistants, develop family support services and alternative family placement services, and reorganise residential childcare institutions. This evaluation reviews the implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Reform of the Residential Childcare System 2007–2012 approved by the Government of the Republic of Moldova in July 2007.

Camelia Gheorghe and Ozren Runic,

The main purpose of this final, summative evaluation is to evaluate the final results and achievements of the "Developing community based services for children with disabilities and their families’’ project in relation to the project log frame and theory of change.

The European Network on Independent Living for JBS International, Inc. - USAID ,

This report from USAID, prepared by the European Network on Independent Living, features the findings from a study on why little progress has been made to end the institutionalization of people with disabilities in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.

Pauline Watts, Professional Officer for Health Visiting, Public Health Directorate, United Kingdom Department of Health,

This presentation to the 2012 Sofia Conference by Pauline Watts, Professional Officer for Health Visiting, Public Health Directorate, United Kingdom Department of Health, introduces key lessons learned in regards to preventing child abandonment by looking into intervention and support services available to children and families in the United Kingdom.

Paul Martin,

This presentation to the 2012 Sofia Conference by Paul Martin introduces family support mechanisms and services to better equip parents to care for their children.

Kevin Browne, Institute of Work, Health, and Organizations (I-WHO), School of Community Health Services at the University of Nottingham,

This presentation to the 2012 Sofia Conference by Kevin Browne, Institute of Work, Health, and Organizations (I-WHO), School of Community Health Services at the University of Nottingham, introduces the collective findings of his research studies on the harmful effects of institutionalization of young children and major causes of child abandonment in Europe and prevention methods.

Brankica Janković, State Secretary, Ministry of Labor, Employment, and Social Policy,

This presentation to the 2012 Sofia Conference by Brankica Janković, State Secretary, Ministry of Labor, Employment, and Social Policy, introduces the achievements and challenges faced in altering the attitude of professionals working with children with disabilities from preferring institutions to family-based care systems.