
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Dr.Irene Stevens, Dr.Graham Connelly & Dr.Ian Milligan - CELCIS,

This paper presents an evaluation of the pilot foster care project (FCPP) in Albania.

Elaine Farmers, Julie Selwyn, and Sarah Meakings from the School of Policy Studies at University of Bristol, UK,

This study funded by Big Lottery and undertaken in partnership between the University of Bristol and Buttle UK, a grant-giving charity for vulnerable children, aims to fill gaps in understanding about the experiences of children living with kins, and in particular how children in informal kinship care view their situation.

Adrian V. Rus, Ecaterina Stativa, Jacquelyn S. Pennings, David R. Cross, Naomi Ekas, Karyn B. Purvis, Sheri R. Parris - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The objective of this study was to determine whether children's characteristics and/or institutional characteristics were predictors of severe punishments (including beatings) and/or frequency of punishments that children received from staff in Romanian institutions. 

Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children ,

In her annual report to the UN General Assembly, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General highlights the results of an expert consultation on violence in early childhood. The consultation highlighted the urgency of supporting families and caregivers in their child-rearing responsibilities and securing a responsive national child protection system to strengthen families’ capacity to raise young children in safe environments and prevent child abandonment and placement in residential care.

Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise (JORF) ,

En France, environ 273 000 mineurs sont pris en charge par les services de protection de l'enfance des conseils généraux et, parmi eux, environ 134 000 sont placés hors de leur milieu familial, en famille d'accueil ou en établissement, à la suite de décisions administratives ou judiciaires. Ces chiffres sont en augmentation depuis plusieurs années et le nombre de mineurs placés en France est, en proportion, supérieur à celui de nombreux autres pays européens.

Video du Conseil General,

Lorsque le maintien de l'enfant dans son milieu familial n'est pas possible, le mineur est à la demande de ses parents ou sur décision judiciaire, pris en charge par le Département. Plusieurs solutions peuvent être envisagées pour l'enfant, comme par exemple le placement en famille d'accueil.


This guide provides professionals in the UK with information about registering as a children’s social care provider. It helps those considering registration to decide whether to apply and what processes their applications will go through before a decision is made as to their suitability to be registered.

Lemn Sissay, TEDx Houses of Parliament,

In this TED talk, Lemn Sissay recalls his experiences of the care system, the search for his birth family and the insights this has given him.

Partnerships for Every Child Moldova,

This graphic provides a visual representation of the causal framework of children’s institutionalization in Moldova. It was developed as part of the USAID/DCOF-funded project “Protecting children in Moldova from family separation, violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.”

Shelley Jofre,

This article reports on the findings of research conducted by the TV Programme Panorama on some of the current practices and standards in the children’s residential care system in England, which were described by a charity representing children in care as “extremely worrying”.