
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Elizabeth Jones, Leslie Gutman, and Lucinda Platt ,

This new study from the Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre, an independent research center with funding from the United Kingdom Department for Education, identifies which family stress factors and parental behaviors are associated with positive and negative outcomes for children at the age of 7 and whether stressful life events experienced in childhood are associated with negative outcomes in adolescence.

Tinje Berge-Le Clercg, Mariska de Batt from the Netherlands Youth Institute,

This manual is the main outcome of the European Commission Daphne III programme, Prevent and Combat Child Abuse: What works? Involving regional exchanges and research from five countries (Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Sweden and the Netherlands), this manual brings together knowledge on what works in tackling child abuse. The manual suggests evidence and practice-based prevention and response strategies against child abuse and neglect, including programs and services that have been shown to be successful in strengthening family care.

Elena Bogdan, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus,

This presentation to the 2012 Sofia Conference introduces social services available in Belarus for the identification, intervention, care, and rehabilitation of children under the age of 3 with disabilities, in order to prevent their abandonment and placement in institutions.

Jean-Claude Legrand, Senior Regional Advisor Child Protection, UNICEF CEE/CIS,

This presentation to the 2012 Sofia Conference by Jean-Claude Legrand, Senior Regional Advisor Child Protection, UNICEF CEE/CIS, highlights the situation of children in formal care, with particular concern for children with disabilities, and recommends reform and policy initiatives to improve the childcare systems in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Danica Kramarić - Head of Sector for the Promotion and Protection, Croatian Ministry of Health,

This presentation to the 2012 Sofia Conference by Danica Kramarić, Head of Sector for the Promotion and Protection of Health, Croatian Ministry of Health, introduces how positive communication and engaged parenting are key deterrants of the placement of children with disabilities in institutions.

Darinka Yankova, Deputy Chairperson of the State Agency for Child Protection,

This presentation to the 2012 Sofia Conference by Darinka Yankova, Deputy Chairperson of the State Agency for Child Protection addresses the challenges and the new vision for the deinstitutionalization of children in the Republic of Bulgaria.

European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care,

The purpose of the toolkit is to assist all public authorities in Europe involved in the programming and implementation of EU Structural Funds (and other relevant funds) to make decisions which will help to improve the lives of more than a million European citizens currently living in institutional care. The toolkit aims to explain how EU funds can support national, regional and local authorities in designing and implementing structural reforms to develop quality family-based and community-based alternatives. The toolkit explicitly deals with the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), but it aims to apply also to the programming and implementation of the European Agricultural and Rural Development Fund (EARDF) and the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). 

Groupe européen d’experts sur la transition des soins en institution vers les soins de proximité,

Document d’orientation sur la mise en œuvre et le soutien d’une transition durable des soins en institution vers les soins de proximité et familiaux pour les enfants, les personnes handicapées, les personnes atteintes de problèmes de santé mentale et les personnes âgées en Europe.

European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care,

The Common European Guidelines on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care (‘the Guidelines’) provide practical advice about how to make a sustained transition from institutional care to family-based and community-based alternatives for individuals (including children) currently living in institutions and those living in the community, often without adequate support. 

Rosana E. Norman, Munkhtsetseg Byambaa, Rumna De, Alexander Butchart, James Scott, Theo Vos ,

Although the relationship between child sexual abuse and mental disorders life has been well established, the health consequences of other forms of child maltreatment, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect have not been systematically examined. This study summarizes the evidence relating to the possible relationship between child physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect, and subsequent mental and physical health outcomes.