
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Gallianne Palayret, Jean-Claude Legrand, Anna Nordenmark Severinsson, Nigel Cantwell, Helene Martin-Fickel,

Through a comprehensive statistical analysis and literature review, this UNICEF report provides a child rights-based up-to-date review of the situation of children under the age of three in formal care in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CEECIS).

SOS Children’s Villages International ,

This report presents the findings from a two-year peer research project which includes the testimony of more than 300 young people with care experience in Albania, the Czech Republic, Finland, and Poland. More than 40 care leavers from the four countries were selected and trained to play an active role in the all aspects of the projects. The interviews revealed widespread inadequacies regarding the process of leaving care, promoting the research team to draw up recommendations to address them.

Sylvie Delcroix, Jan Folda, Bettina Hofer, Irene Martín López, Irene Rojnik, Vera von Sartori, Samantha Tedesco, Karin Weiss, Marco Zaniboni,

This publication by SOS Children’s Villages International brings together research findings, learning and policy recommendations about sibling relations in alternative care gathered from five different SOS Children’s Villages associations (Germany, Austria, France, Italy, and Spain).

Andrew Briggs - Routledge,

The chapters in this book discuss the complexity immediately encountered when approaching the task of improving the lives of Looked After Children (LAC).

Radoslava Karabasheva - Swiss Foundation of the International Social Service & International Social Service Bulgaria,

This paper evaluates a program started by International Social Service for social and professional realisation of young people leaving care (Care Leavers Integration Programme, CLIP), ten years after the program began.


Care related sections of the Government of the Russian Federation's fourth and fifth combined report on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (dated 3rd June 2011).

Nick Axford, Delbert S. Elliott, Michael Little,

This article describes the Blueprints database of evidence-based programmes (EBPs) and its potential application in children's services in European countries.

Marije Stoltenborgh, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg , and Marinus H. van IJzendoorn,

This article describes the results of a meta-analytic review aimed at providing an estimate of the prevalence of physical and emotional neglect by integrating prevalence figures from the body of research reporting on neglect. It discusses and makes recommendations on the dearth of studies investigating the prevalence of child neglect, despite evidence of its severe consequences on millions of children, and a global prevalence estimated to be above 15%.

BBC News,

When orphans in Ukraine reach adulthood, some are deemed "incapacitated" - a label that consigns them to a life in institutions. But many of these young people may have nothing wrong with them at all. It is an official classification in Ukraine that critics say strips the bearer of basic human rights.

Kate Blewett - BBC Four,

In this video, film-maker Kate Blewett finds out what a lifetime in the care of the state really means for Ukraine's forgotten children.