
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

N. Beth Bradford and Peter Evans ,

This Program Review documents the evolution of EveryChild/Partnerships for Every Child’s Program in Moldova since 1994, presenting the development of interventions to improve the lives of children through deinstitutionalization and identifying the best practices and lessons that may be relevant, useful, and replicable to other initiatives and organizations around the world.

Kelley McCreery Bunkers,

This important assessment of foster care services in the Republic of Moldova explores the differences between the two main types of foster care services provided in that country, including in terms requirements and profiles of caregivers and of the children, the legal and policy framework underpinning them, including the legal status of the foster parent, as well as the allowances and benefits for each type of care

Better Care Network ,

The handbook of the United Nations approved Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children is to be launched on March 7th, 2013 3:00-4:30pm at Room XXII, Human Rights Council, Palais des Nations, Geneva. The handbook provides practical guidance on moving forward on the road to alternative care provision for children. It highlights implications for policy-making where national governments should provide leadership as well as provides links to what is already being effectively done on the ground.

Elodie Seppey ,

Ce travail s’intéresse particulièrement aux violences dont les enfants placés en institutions sont l’objet, entre les maltraitances structurelles propres à l’institutionnalisation, et les maltraitances qu’elles soient physiques, psychiques ou sexuelles. Pour lutter contre ces différentes formes de violence, il conviendra de repenser les institutions actuelles et de chercher des alternatives au placement. 

European Union,

This Recommendation by the European Commission on Investing in Children, stresses the importance of early intervention and preventative approaches, and makes quality childcare one of its key policy areas to break the cycle of disadvantage in early years and reduce the risk of child poverty and social exclusion.

Carolyne Willow - The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea,

This guidance aims to raise awareness of the importance of children and young people in alternative care settings being able to make, influence and participate in decisions about their own lives, and other matters affecting them.

Partnerships for Every Child, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family of Moldova, Ministry of Education of Moldova, USAID, VIITORUL,

This 10-page newsletter, translated into English, is issue number two of a series produced by the “Protecting children of Moldova from family separation, violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation” project, which is implemented by Partnerships for Every Child, the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family of Moldova, and the Ministry of Education of Moldova.

Nicky Stanley, Helen Austerberry, Andy Bilson, Nicola Farrelly, Shereen Hussein, Cath Larkins, Jill Manthorpe, Julie Ridley - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper reports on the evaluation of an English experiment which, for the first time, moved statutory social work support for children and young people in out-of-home care from the public to the private or independent sector.

Republic of Moldova,

This document present the law on the special protection of children in need at risk and children separated from their parents for Moldova.

Save the Children Italy,

This is Save the Children's decalogue for child support in emergencies.