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List of Organisations

UN Commission for Social Development,

The UN Commission for Social Development (CSocD) held its 52nd session in New York on the 11-21 February 2014. As part of its mandate, it held discussions in observance of the 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family and drafted a resolution to be adopted by the UN Economic and Social Council.

UN General Assembly – Report of the Secretary General ,

This report was prepared in February 2014 pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/234, in which the Assembly called for an operational review of the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development

Frank Ainsworth and June Thoburn, International Journal of Social Welfare 2014: 23: 16–24,

This article reviews some of the language and conceptual issues that need to be addressed to be able to meaningfully compare differential usage of residential childcare services across national boundaries. 

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination of the second periodic report of the Holy See under Convention on the Rights of the Child at its sixty-fifth Session (13 Jan 2014 - 31 Jan 2014).

Disability Rights International,

This Public Service Announcement (PSA), produced by Disability Rights International, is part of the organization’s “Worldwide Campaign to End the Institutionalization of Children.”

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child has commissioned a research study to identify gaps in knowledge and understanding around foster care and is seeking literature, both published and unpublished ‘grey’ literature, covering the research questions and foster care in general.

Family for Every Child,

Family For Every Child is seeking an experienced researcher who demonstrates knowledge of a range of participatory tools and social research concepts/approaches.

Nathan Linsk,

This is a PowerPoint presentation by Nathan Linsk from the April 2014 Symposium “Supporting Families, Building a Better Tomorrow for Children: The Role of the Social Service Workforce” hosted by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,

To develop the capacity of Red Cross Red Crescent psychosocial workers to adequately address the PSS needs in the Ebola outbreak, guidance materials and PowerPoint presentations are available here for download, along with a three-day programme to train trainers who are able to further disseminate the PSS knowledge and skills to frontline workers.

Florence Martin, Better Care Network,

The aim of this initiative is to inform the development of an inter-agency technical brief that explains what household level data is available through DHS and MICS that is critical to better understanding and monitoring of trends and patterns in children’s living arrangements and care status, and how the data can and should be extracted and used to inform policy and programmes at country and international levels.