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In order to commemorate the two year anniversary of the resolution of the Alternative Care Guidelines, discuss the use and implementation of the Guidelines, and raise the profile of the importance of this international framework, the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations, in partnership with the Better Care Network, UNICEF, SOS and the NGO Committee on UNICEF Working Group on Children without Parental Care, held side-event during the UN Social, Humanitarian Cultural Affairs Committee of the UN General Assembly.
Les intervenants à l'événement marquant le deuxième anniversaire des Lignes directrices relatives à la protection de remplacement pour les enfants, ont discuté des voies à suivre pour aller plus loin dans la mise en oeuvre de ces Directives et exhorte la communauté internationale à améliorer la qualité et les normes relatives à la protection des enfants vulnérables.
This press release from UNICEF highlights an inter-agency high-level event commemorating the two year anniversary of the introduction of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children.
Lié à l’exode rural massif, à la perte des liens sociaux traditionnels, aux mutations de la famille et au développement anarchique de l’espace urbain, le phénomène des enfants des rues constitue un des marqueurs important des transformations sociales et sociétales actuelles. Il interroge sur la place faite par nos institutions de développement et d’assistance aux groupes de population qui restent en marge des efforts nationaux et internationaux de développement économique et social.
The paper explores how the UNCRC reporting process, and guidelines from the Committee outlining how States should promote the rights of young people making the transition from care to adulthood, can be used as an instrument to track global patterns of change in policy and practice.
In this position paper, the Muslim Women’s Shura Council considers whether adoption can be possible within an Islamic framework.
The paper examines elements that must be in place to ensure that foster care is effective, including legislative frameworks and a trained child welfare workforce. It consider principles for good practice in foster care, with a particular focus on examining how such principles can be applied in resource constrained settings.
The overall objective of the assignment is to support the knowledge management platforms of BCN, including the expansion and maintenance of BCN’s online resource library and portals, preparation of its newsletter, and development of a new discussion forum.
This paper, 'Children in Informal Care', was produced in response to a knowledge gap on informal care and to help determine the relevance and applicability of the 2009 Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children to informal alternative care. The authors asked the questions “what constitutes ‘informal care’?”, “what forms of informal care are there?”, “who needs informal care?”, and “can they be clearly defined?”
This report presents a unique Literature Review of international research studies about street children published during the decade from 2000 to 2010.