Regions & Countries

Displaying 11861 - 11870 of 14141

Foster Youth in Action,

The Executive Director of Foster Youth in Action will help to grow the organization by helping to expand its presence to twice the number of states and local partner organizations, building the capacity of member organizations, and increasing the effectiveness of youth leaders to impact child welfare policies.

SPOON Foundation,

The SPOON Foundation is accepting applications for the position of Development Director. 


Ese video explica el sistema de cuidado alternativo en Argentina, particularmente la utilización de “hogares convivenciales,” donde viven juntos muchos niños y niñas separados de sus familias y el trabajo de DONCEL a ayudar a esos niños y niñas.

Faith to Action Initiative,

Faith to Action's latest publication, "Children, Orphanages, and Families: A Summary of Research to Help Guide Faith-Based Action" is now available online

This article, produced by the BBC, reports on the growing number of unaccompanied children who immigrate to the United States from Mexico and Central America each year.

Kirsten Weir - American Psychological Association,

This article describes the research underway in the Bucharest Early Intervention Project, a study that examines the impacts of neglect and deprivation on child development and wellbeing.

Dini, M et Meunier, M.,

La commission des affaires sociales du Sénat a demande une mission sur la protection de l'enfance afin d'étudier la mise en oeuvre de la loi de 2007 réformant la protection de l'enfance. Cet état des lieux plaide pour des ajustements et des évolutions répondant à trois objectifs : améliorer la gouvernance nationale et locale de la protection de l'enfance ; rendre le système plus efficace à tous les stades et sécuriser le parcours de l'enfant protégé.

Kingdom of Lesotho,

This Multisectoral National Strategy for Child Protection builds on a mapping and assessment of Lesotho’s current child protection system, which drew together many stakeholders to consider how best to move forward on child protection in a coordina

Gentiana Qirjako, Genc Burazeri and Erka Amursi ,

This study described the magnitude of physical abuse during childhood in a representative sample of young adults selected from public universities in Albania, and to identify relationship between socioeconomic characteristics and behavioural/lifestyle factors associated with adverse childhood experiences.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network ,

This factsheet from the US National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides useful information to parents and caregivers of children who have experienced complex trauma.