Regions & Countries

Displaying 8661 - 8670 of 14429

Delphine Levrouw, Rudi Roose, Peer van der Helm, Eefje Strijbosch, Stijn Vandevelde - Child & Family Social Work,

This article describes what could be learned from a project focused on monitoring the living group climate in a residential youth care service in Flanders, Belgium.

Becci A. Akin, Michelle Johnson‐Motoyama, Sharah Davis, Megan Paceley, Jody Brook - Child & Family Social Work,

This study sought to understand parents' experiences of the supports and barriers to engagement in an evidence‐based parenting intervention (EBPI).

Leslie Butt & Jessica Ball - Population, Space and Place,

This multimethod qualitative study in 4 high‐migration communities in East Lombok, Indonesia, explored the strategic actions migrant parents take regarding birth registration.

Emma Colvin, Kath McFarlane, Alison Gerard, Andrew McGrath - The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice,

This article presents qualitative data from interviews with 46 welfare and justice professionals to examine the criminalisation of children who go missing within the Out‐Of‐Home‐Care (OOHC) residential environment.

Nigel Cantwell and Emmanuelle Werner Gillioz - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

This article looks at how the orphanage industry serves to tear families apart in order to ‘create orphans’, and argues that convincing foreign contributors to withdraw their support will be key to stopping the ‘orphanage industry’ from flourishing.

Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This Briefing Note outlines the priority areas for the Global Research Agenda, laid out by the Assessment, Measurement and Evidence (AME) Working Group of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action.

Shar Kurtishi, David Akpan, Tapfuma Murove, Kelley Bunkers, & Doreen Magaji - Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development ,

A desk review was conducted to examine the current gaps in investment related to care and treatment for children living with or affected by HIV.

Roarty, Nora, Leinster, John, McGregor, Caroline, Devaney, Carmel, & Moran, Lisa - NUI Galway,

This article is based on research about children in long-term care. It focuses on the factors that help and hinder a child being and feeling stable in their foster home and having a sense of permanence.

Pamhidzayi Berejena Mhongera, Antoinette Lombard - Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk,

This paper reports on findings from an evaluation study of two institutions providing transition programmes to adolescent girls transitioning from institutional care in Zimbabwe.

Janet Mosher & Jeffery Hewit - Journal of Law and Social Policy,

This article introduces Volume 28 of the Journal of Law and Social Policy which focuses on racism and overrepresentation of indigenous and ethnic minority children and youth in the social welfare systems.