Regions & Countries

Displaying 31 - 40 of 14574

Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children,

La necesidad urgente de prevenir y responder a todas las formas de violencia contra la infancia nunca ha sido mayor.

Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children,

Il n’a jamais été aussi urgent de prévenir et de combattre toutes les formes de violence contre les enfants.

Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children,

The Child Protection System Strengthening Framework for Action was launched at the first Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children on 8 November 2024. This framework aims to strengthen child protection systems globally by promoting a cohesive approach to preventing and responding to violence against children in all contexts.

Sarah Johnson - The Guardian,

Panama, Uganda, Sri Lanka and Czech Republic among those newly committing to totally prohibit violence against under-18s.

First Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children,


The Inter-Agency Working Group on VAC and Care,

This high-level satellite event to the Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children took place on November 6, 2024, and brought together prominent speakers from across the world. The purpose of this event was to put a spotlight on the intersection between children’s care and violence against children. Watch the recordings of the event in English, Spanish or French.

Changemakers for Children,

You’re invited to the upcoming webinar Including support for informal kinship care in policy on 6 November at 13:00 UTC. In this webinar, panelists will explore and demonstrate how kinship care can be included in policy and supported without formalisation.

The Inter-Agency Working Group on VAC and Care,

This event will highlight the links between children’s care and violence against children, including the critical role violence plays as a driver of child-family separation and the further violence they often face in the care system meant to protect them – including through child institutionalization.

Emily Ruehs-Navarro (Ed), Lina Caswell Muñoz (Ed), Sarah Diaz (Ed),

This interdisciplinary work brings together voices from the legal realm, the academic world, and the on-the-ground experiences of activists and practitioners. At the heart of these narratives lies a crucial debate: the tension between harm-reduction strategies and abolition.


As world leaders, civil society, advocates, survivors, and young people gather this week for the inaugural Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children in Bogotá, Colombia, UNICEF is calling for urgent action to combat violence that devastates the lives of millions of children worldwide.