
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

John Ferguson - The Daily Record,

The former Scottish prime minister has said poverty rather than alcoholism, drug addiction or abuse is resulting in children being handed over to social services.

Nadia Ragozhina - BBC News,

Ukraine has condemned a decree signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin making it possible to confer Russian citizenship on Ukrainian children moved to Russia. Last March, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin over Russia's policy of forced child deportations. The Ukrainian foreign ministry called the decree illegal.

Heather Ottaway, Alex McTier, Mihaela Manole, Micky Anderson, Robert Porter, Jane Scott, Emma Young, Nadine Fowler, Joanna Soraghan, Leanne McIver, Carol Ann Anderson, Kate MacKinnon - CELCIS,

The goal of this study was to improve the understanding of current children’s services structures and delivery models in Scotland and how services can best support the needs of children, young people and their families. The research looked at how services are provided and configured in Scotland and drew on a range of international evidence too.

European Commission,

This document presents an overview of the first version of the EU monitoring framework for the European Child Guarantee (ECG). It was developed by the Indicators’ Sub-Group (ISG) of the Social Protection Committee (SPC) and the European Commission, and endorsed by the SPC in November 2023.

Child Rights International Network (CRIN),

The Child Rights International Network seeks a new Communications Manager to lead on planning and implementing their communications work.

Julie Feather, Dan Allen, Rhian Crompton, Zoey Jones, Angela Christiansen, Gavin Butler,

The purpose of this scoping review was to identify and map knowledge on different types of transitional support interventions currently available to support transition to independent living for care leavers.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This report examines the evolution of social service workforce strengthening in the light of the three core pillars of the Social Service Workforce Strengthening Framework: planning, developing and supporting. It identifies significant progress and accomplishments that have been made to strengthen the social service workforce at the global level as well as in three specific countries: Romania, Uganda and Viet Nam.

Andrew Kendrick,

The principal aim of this research review is to set out the nature of discipline and punishment in care settings in Scotland from 1920 to 2014.

Mohamed Ahmed - Libya Observer,

Italy and Libya signed on December 20 an agreement allowing the evacuation of 1,500 vulnerable migrants from Libya to Italy, over the next 3 years.

Changing the Way We Care,

Since care reform is a long and complex process, requiring collaboration between many diverse actors, with different change pathways in diverse contexts, the Changing the Way We Care initiative set out to learn from different demonstration countries, build national and regional knowledge, and reinforce global momentum for family care. This learning brief describes some of that journey.

This brief shares how the initiative used CLA related to the social service workforce strengthening and case management.