Regions & Countries

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Changing the Way We Care,

Acest studiu analizează serviciile sociale de tip familial existente în Republica Moldova: Asistența parentală profesionistă (APP) și Casele de copii de tip familial (CCTF), cu scopul de a identifica argumente privind unificarea celor două servicii de îngrijire de tip familial APP/CCTF din perspectiva calității îngrijirii copiilor și a interesului superior al copiilor. Studiul include o analiză comparativă a cadrului de reglementare a serviciilor familiale alternative și recomandări privind posibilitatea și fezabilitatea unificării serviciilor sociale. Studiul a concluzionat faptul că, pentru a îmbunătăți calitatea și accesul la serviciile de îngrijire de tip familial pentru copiii aflați în situații de risc, se recomandă unificarea serviciilor APP și CCTF, revizuirea cadrului juridic al serviciului APP și luarea în considerare a celor mai pozitive aspecte ale ambelor servicii.

Changing the Way We Care,

This study analyses the existing family-type social services in Moldova: Professional Parental Assistance (PPA) and Family-Type Children's Homes (FTCH) to identify the rationale for combining the two PPA/ FTCH family care services in terms of the quality of child care and the best interests of children. The study includes a comparative analysis of the regulatory framework of alternative family services and recommendations on the possibility and feasibility of combining the social services. The study concluded that to improve the quality of and access to family-based care services for children at risk, it is recommended that the PPA and FTCH services be merged, that the legal framework of the PPA service be revised, and that the most positive aspects of both services be taken into account.

Changing the Way We Care, Republic of Kenya,

The Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the Alternative Family-based and Community-based Care of Children in Kenya provide guidance for the comprehensive implementation of the Guidelines for Alternative Family Care for Children in Kenya (2014).

Agency Report,

The girl hawking sachet water ran in pursuit of the bus, laying curses at the bus conductor, who had stretched out his hands and touched her breast before stealing one sachet from the plastic on her head.

Sam Judah - BBC,

China is pressuring Uyghurs living abroad to spy on human rights campaigners by threatening families back home, researchers say. Refugees and activists tell the BBC intimidating tactics are tearing communities apart.

Relational Child & Youth Care Management,

Relational Child and Youth Care Practice (RCYCP) is preparing a special issue on “Relational Child & Youth Care Management”. We are interested in submissions that explore the relational approach to management within child and youth care practice and organisations.


Join a dedicated team leading USAID’s efforts to promote, fund, and support the protection of children from violence, exploitation, abuse, and neglect in both the physical and digital worlds.


Join a dedicated team leading USAID’s efforts to improve early childhood development outcomes through the implementation of the Global Child Thrive Act.


Join a dedicated team leading USAID’s efforts to promote, fund, and support the most vulnerable children who are, or are at risk of, living outside of family care by promoting, funding, and supporting nurturing, loving, protective, and permanent family care.


Help USAID tell their story by creating communications materials for USAID's Children in Adversity Team. The team seeks an intern to work with the Communications Manager and other team members to develop and implement a range of social media and communications products.