This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.
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A Guardian investigation into the state of children’s services in the UK during the last 18 months has revealed a sharp rise in social services referrals during lockdown, plus spiralling costs for mental health support and a bulging backlog in the family courts, with some councils buckling under the weight of the extra work brought by coronavirus.
This event, hosted by CELCIS, will explore the theme of inclusion, experience and value in participation projects, and how organisations use different approaches, depending on the context.
This webinar, the fifth in the Transforming Children's Care Webinar Series focused on a new study ('Impact of COVID-19 on Privately Run Residential Care Institutions: Insights and Implications for Advocacy and Awareness Raising'). The study, comprising 21 semi-structured interviews across seven focus countries, explores the effect of COVID-19 on a small number of privately run and funded residential care institutions.
A systematic review exploring the lived experience of matching children with foster families and examining the evidence on the outcomes of matching decisions.
This report presents findings from qualitative research conducted with a range of children, young people and parents in vulnerable or seldom heard groups, carried out to explore their lived experiences during and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
This document presents guidance supporting implementation of the new duties for Scottish local authorities: that every looked after child will live with their brothers and sisters, where appropriate to do so.
The European Disability Forum (EDF) is looking for a consultant who will conduct a literature review to find out available information about how the EU works on deinstitutionalisation (DI) in countries outside the European Union and what it has achieved in this field so far.
Cercetarea a vizat o analiză cuprinzătoare a cadrului juridic și de reglementare, conform Orientărilor ONU privind îngrijirea alternativă a copiilor, inclusiv o analiză a mecanismelor de finanțare pentru programarea serviciilor de îngrijire.
A fost efectuată o analiză de birou a studiilor de reintegrare din Moldova și a orientărilor globale pentru a identifica succesul și factorii de risc în cadrul procesului, precum și lecțiile importante învățate.
A fost efectuată o evaluare cuprinzătoare a copiilor și adolescenților care trăiesc în îngrijire rezidențială identificând că există un mecanism complex de evaluare, axat pe oferirea unei vederi de 360° asupra nevoilor și interesului superior al copilului.